RPGWW Earthbound
If you check around on Starmen.net enough, you’ll soon find tools for editing an Earthbound ROM. While not necessarily legal or at all easy, it can be a fun way to kill time and change around the wackiness of Earthbound to the supposed wackiness of something else altogether.
Case in point, I was toying around with Earthbound editing tools some time back and threw together a few modifications to an Earthbound ROM, throwing in a few RPGWW references and changing some of the Ness sprites to those of Rube, a well-known RPGWW spammer. Sadly, I never got very far due to some hard drive problems. When I actually get some free time and a working Net connection at home, however, I may try to do more!
End = White; Midoku = Funky Green; DMSCV = Pink; Daniel = Yellow; Ash = Brown
Default: Rube
Other Choices: Dan, Bob, Reako, Daien, Vex, Ness
Dan may or may not be a reference to Daniel, one of FF Fanatic 80’s characters.
Bob was an infamous spammer from both the Adventurers! and RPGWW MBs.
Reako has appeared on both boards from time to time, noted for some stuff.
I can’t think of anything about Daien beyond the fact that he was a poster on RPGWW.
And Vex, unless I’m mistaken, is one of DMSCV’s characters.
Default: Migi
Other Choices: Kyra, Kilra, Sarah, Terra, Mavis, Paula
Migi is a catgirl, one of pdRydia’s characters.
Kyra is one of LadyDragonClawsEDW’s characters, a white mage.
Kilra is an enthusiastic Drow warrior, one of Jak Snide’s characters.
Sarah may be a reference to half of DMSCV’s real name. (Holy shit, stalkers!)
Terra was one of RPGWW’s former sprite artists.
Mavis was Rube’s one and only RP character (seen briefly in one of Molo’s dead
Default: Priam
Other Choices: Kyle, Jared, EMus, Alan, Nama, Jeff
Priam refers to PriamNevhausten, general smarty guy of RPGWW and ADV!.
Kyle is Brodzky Zero. Supposedly he’s a nerd in real life. Har har.
Jared… I dunno.
EMus refers to EMouse, a spammer seen on the RPGWW and ADV! boards.
Nama refers to Namagomi, poster on RPGWW.
Default: Yuji
Other Choices: Will, Estyn, Omar, Solis, Griff, Poo
Yuji is FlamingDeth’s ninja character.
Will refers to Will Baseton, the RP character of… uh, Will Baseton.
Estyn is Shiranai’s celestial being.
Omar is DMSCV’s dreaded hairy manly man, best known for reaming ShadowDragon.
Solis is someone’s RP character. I forget whose.
Griff is Shinigori V2’s half-demon tough guy. He’s also stinky.
Default: Pig
Other Choices: Fluffy, Paper, Noire, Forte, Oswald, King
Pig is the overly intelligent wolf-pig that travels with Choark, the barbarian ninja played by the guy with the same name.
Paper is Brodzky Zero’s wai bird of glow.
Noire may or may not be someone’s cat.
Forte may or may not be someone’s pet.
I don’t know where Oswald came from.
Default: Spam
Other Choices: Pie, Tacho, Kitten, Tail, Mom, Dwagon
Pie is pie. You like pie.
Tacho is the crossbreed of a tacho and nachos. Brodzky Zero’s favorite food.
Kitten milkshakes are a memorable favorite of DMSCV’s.
Tail likely refers to some sort of immature joke involving the butt.
Mom, as in [Your] Mom.
Dwagon. Why not?
Default: Yaoi
Other Choices: Yuri, Dwagon, Rubism, Tj0rd, PSys, Fiar
Yaoi and Yuri are common joke topics and themes on RPGWW, although yaoi is more commonly joked about.
Dwagon. A food and an obsession.
Rubism. Like scientology, only more sensible, and a lot more insulting.
Tj0rd. Re: Der Dragon Warrior.
PSys. Refers to PhilSys, RPGWW’s formal roleplay system.
Fiar. Obviously a humorous misspelling of ‘fire’.
And so it begins…
Rube would like all of you to know that he actually sleeps naked. The horribly illegal ROM modification below will by no means hurt your
mind as much as a naked Rube will. I care that much about you.
Although it wasn’t made clear, Charles, or the ‘King of Doma’ was to be Pokey. Buzz Buzz became Hakaril (ArchMage’s general mage of Doma)’s hat. The first Starman Jr. you face is LS4EXE, or Lord Shadow, one of the most infamous ‘lamers’ of RPGWW. The meteor has turned into a glowing cow. And that’s about it. Later plans consisted of the ‘invaders’ being various RPGWW forum ‘lamers’, and Giygas itself being the source of all lameness. The Mayor of Onett was going to be Banjooie, and the ‘Pray’ command was to be ‘Spam’.