The Items (and Weird Things) of Bad Toys 3D
Just like in any other first person shooter, there are loads of items you can pick up to help you out. There are also assorted weird props that seem to have no real place in a toy factory, military takeover or no.
Useful Items
These items can be picked up and used for various reasons. Ammunition isn’t
listed here, you can find that stuff on the Weapons page.
Item Types are as such:
Restoratives: These restore hit points.
Extra Life: These give you… an extra life.
Keys: Didn’t think that you would escape Doom syndrome, did you? These open
Like 7-Up, only it doesn’t violate copyright laws.
Item Type: Restorative (+5 HP)
Looks more like ‘Grips’.
Item Type: Restorative (+5 HP)
A ‘big’ hamburger
Well, he says it’s a hamburger, so I’ll take his word for it.
Item Type: Restorative (+7 HP)
First Aid
Rarest of all restorative items and also the strongest. Only a few of them in
the demo.
Item Type: Restorative (+20 HP)
Just like it says. Gives you an extra life. Only one of these is actually in the demo.
Item Type: Extra Life
Unlocks the door of the same color.
Yellow Digital Credit Key
Unlocks the door of the same color.
Red Digital Credit Key
Do I really need to say it again? Not seen in the demo.
These items have no actual use in terms of gameplay. They’re just there to look at. Items such as tables, chairs, and generic crates aren’t included because they aren’t all that weird.
Apparently security cameras. They don’t do anything.
Happy Flowers
Several mysterious, yellow and blue sunflowers of some bizarre breed. Perhaps a
mutation due to the various military-grade experiments. Or something like that.
Mutant Soda Machine
I don’t know. Seriously. All the developer had to say about it was:
Mystery Barrel
These are all over the company grounds. They appear to contain some sort of
fluid. They serve no real purpose.
Number Thing
Flashes between 1.99 and 2.00. I have no idea what this is.
Twenty phones all over the place, and none of them are hooked up to anything.
Poison Crate
Yep, it’s a crate with the word ‘Poison’ plastered on it.
Skull Barrel
Say what you will about military corporations, but I’m fairly sure none of them
use barrels topped off with skulls with flashing red eyes.