Dragon Ball: Advance Adventure
Genre: Beat-'em-Up
Developed by: Banpresto
Released in:
JP (2004) as "Dragon Ball: Advance Adventure"
While Son Goku has his normal yellow Kin'Toun (or "Flying
Nimbus"), Kuririn has a darker, purplish one.
In the Red Ribbon sky stage, food will literally float - bobbing
up and down.
In the original comic/cartoon, Kuririn fights 'Choaz' and wins.
In this game, Goku fights him instead. (If playing as Kuririn,
you will also fight against 'Choaz'.)
Before Goku faces off against Drum and Piccolo Daimao, he fights
against Shadow Yamcha and Shadow Kuririn. Kuririn fights against
Shadow Yamcha... and Shadow himself. Just some laziness on the
part of the developers, really.